Caturday Photo Flubs

It’s time for this week’s photo flubs! And I was feeling pretty silly this week.

These crooked butterfly wings were one of the silliest things I had to deal with!

I don’t know how I missed this photo from my therapy cat visit a couple of weeks ago! If you look just beyond the goofy face I’m making you can see I’m even showing a bit of a fang. Not very therapy-cat-like!

My human likes to get photos of me with my paw raised so it looks like I’m pointing or emphasizing something. Unfortunately, I just look confused in this photo!

I really did think the photo session the other evening was all about me. Well, it should have been anyway.

And I’m out of here until next time! Did you have a favorite in this week’s batch? Let me know in the comments.

Other posts you’ll enjoy:

Caturday Outtakes and Extras
Catch Up Photo Flubs
This Week’s Fun Photo Flubs

The post Caturday Photo Flubs appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ I have Caturday outtakes this week, since Sunday is my monthly Shorts compilation! And I have some very funny pics to share.
The post Caturday Photo Flubs appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life 

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