This Week Top News

Frank Fill-ins

Just rollin’ around up here with my toys… 1. I have changed __my earthly form__ in the past year. 2.I need to get moving on __overseeing the November election. I think the kitties who are like me now can send lots of energy to Kamala!!!!Not that she needs it, haha. Maybe send it to voters….

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Frank Fill-ins

Just rollin’ around up here with my toys… 1. I have changed __my earthly form__ in the past year. 2.I need to get moving on __overseeing the November election. I think the kitties who are like me now can send lots of energy to Kamala!!!!Not that she needs it, haha. Maybe send it to voters....

Thinking Thankfuls

Well, we’re thinking today about President Biden and thanking him for moving aside for new, energetic leaders for our country, which has been weakened by MAGA and those who would see the USA fail in almost everything it stands for. And we thank Brian as always for the Hop on Thursdays. We are loving our...

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