My Gentleman Caller

You’ll have to excuse the quality of the photos in this blog post. My human had to pull them off the video she shot on her phone. And the video quality isn’t too great either. But I really had to share this! Look at the visitor who came by!

That’s right, it was the peach kitty! My human was trying to do a workout but she saw him looking in the window. I was asleep in the bed by the double doors, and she had to wake me up to say hi.

Can you believe he wanted to play? It was pretty funny.

He even gave me a slow blink a couple of times. You can see a good part of our interaction in the video below!

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My New iPhone Photo Session (With Bonus Friend)
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The post My Gentleman Caller appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ Look who came knocking at my door! Well, he didn’t knock, he just sorta showed up.
The post My Gentleman Caller appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life 

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