Getting Ready for My Big CFA Cat Expo Weekend!

Can you believe the CFA Cat Expo is this upcoming weekend? It sure came up really fast! So I had to pick out a wardrobe. My human and I put together these choices pretty quickly. I guess that means we’re pros by now!

It’s at the I-X Exposition Center in Cleveland Ohio. It’s right near the big airport, and just off Route 237. If you were to do GPS, you could input 6200 Riverside Drive, Cleveland, and it would take you right there. It’s going to be in the 50s and low 60s and rainy. For a southern California kitty, that might be a bit cold, so I’m packing this Hallween sweater.

I posted some photos of me in this candy corn dress on Facebook the other day and a lot of people liked it! I’ve hardly ever worn it, so I thought I’d pack it too, since it’s the season for candy corn (love it or hate it!).

Of course, I have to bring this dress! Because a) I love it, and b) the video got 6.5 million views on TikTok. Plus the tiara, of course.

I’m actually not packing a lot of outfits, but I am loading up on fancy collars and accessories. I think people want to be able to touch my fur even more than they want to see me dressing up. So I’m just bringing enough to show off a little.

If you’re coming, I’ll be there in the afternoon, from about 2 to 5 on Saturday, the 14th, and 1 to 4 on Sunday the 15th. I may come earlier, but it’s a very long flight between Los Angeles and Cleveland, and my human wanted to make sure I am rested and comfortable. Plus she wants to save a little time to shop for me in the Meow Mall. The Meet and Greet area is right by the entrance, so you’ll see it when you walk in.

If you aren’t coming, I’ll try to go live on my social media platforms when I get a chance!

These are some outfits I chose for past cat shows and events:

Getting My Wardrobe Ready for Glendale
Gathering My Winter Wardrobe for Meet the Breeds
Choosing My Wardrobe for the BlogPaws Conference

The post Getting Ready for My Big CFA Cat Expo Weekend! appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ The CFA Cat Expo is this weekend! So it’s time for me to pick out a wardrobe. And here are some details about the event.
The post Getting Ready for My Big CFA Cat Expo Weekend! appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

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