A Visit From the Peach Kitty

My human took me out back for a little while to get some fresh air. I started looking around right away for the peach kitty. He showed up just as quickly.

He watched us for a moment from the neighbor’s yard, then he came over.

My human put some treats on the wall near us, and he was on them instantly.

It didn’t take long for him to jump down from the wall and walk over.

So he hung around, getting treats along with me.

I was purring and making happy paws on the pavement, so my human let me get closer to him. But she kept me on a short leash.

And then this happened!

It only lasted for a second. He walked off and then a moment later jumped back on the wall.

I watched him as he went back to where ever it is he goes.

Once he was gone, my human and I went back in the house.

These are some of my other encounters with the peach kitty:

My Gentleman Caller
Modeling My Skull Sweater – and a Visitor
The Kitty Spy

The post A Visit From the Peach Kitty appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ I had a visit from the peach kitty when I was outside yesterday!
The post A Visit From the Peach Kitty appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

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