My Club Meow Drum Solo, on Video!

When you saw me and my tiny drum kit at Club Meow the other day, you were probably thinking, “Somebody should have shot video of that.” Guess what? My human did shoot video! It just took a little longer to edit. But I have it for you today.

It’s a pretty awesome drum solo, if I do say so myself!

And yes, she got the drum kit getting knocked over too! You can see it all below.

Here are some other nights at Club Meow:

Celebrating New Year’s Eve 2023 at Club Meow
DJ Kitty Is in the House at Club Meow!
My Piano Concert at Club Meow

The post My Club Meow Drum Solo, on Video! appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ In case you were wondering why my human didn’t shoot any video of my drum solo at Club Meow. Wait – she did! And here it is.
The post My Club Meow Drum Solo, on Video! appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

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