This cat show was my first time in Simi Valley. It’s actually only a little more than a half hour from my house, so it wasn’t that far. But it started really early, so my human groused about having to wake up at what she considers a ridiculous hour. But it was totally worth it.
There was one sad part to the day. The elastic on my favorite necklace broke! Fortunately, it was in a sealed baggie when that happened, so all the beads were saved. My human promises that she will fix it this week.
Fortunately I had lots of other things to wear. That included my red crystal necklace.
My human also packed my flower crown as a last minute addition. It was a big hit.
And this outfit, which is a fan favorite. And I had lots of fans at this show! I wasn’t expecting a whole lot, since it wasn’t that big of a show. But lots of people recognized me from my TikToks, including attendees who just happened to show up and see me there! Even some of the people that were showing cats follow me. That was really fun.
And my human remembered my bell this time! So I go to show off my ringing skills. I also offered lots of paw shakes for visitors, and some high fives too.
Usually at the cat shows, I get some extended rest periods for napping, but I was pretty busy at this one most of the day! It was good, but I was pretty tired by the time we were done!
Here are some of my other recent cat shows:
My Crazy Celebrity Cat Show Weekend
Cat Show Fun and Treats
Cat Show Celebrity
The post My Surprisingly Busy Cat Show Day appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.
I didn’t this this weekend’s cat show was going to be that busy. But I had lots of visitors!
The post My Surprisingly Busy Cat Show Day appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More
Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life