Late Spring Outing

After endless gray days, we had some sunshine, and my human took me out for a while to enjoy the nice weather.

I even got to wear one of my spring dresses, even though it is almost summer now.

I went up the stone steps for a while. Even though my human was taking photos, it really was more for hanging out than an official photo session.

If you are wondering if my peach kitty friend showed up — yes, he did!

He never got too close, even though my human threw some treats his way. But he did make himself comfortable.

He hung out for a while. Eventually he just left, and by then it was my dinnertime anyway.

Other posts you’ll enjoy:

Posing Out Front and Getting Distracted
My Photogenic Outing
Strolling in My Spring Dress

The post Late Spring Outing appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ We finally had some sun, so I got to go outside for a while. And of course you-know-who showed up too!
The post Late Spring Outing appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life 

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