Announcing Cat World Domination Day 2023!

It’s time to announce Cat World Domination Day 2023! The same way nations celebrate their birthdays, we cats get to celebrate our world domination every year. And this time, June 24 falls on a Caturday, so everybody can celebrate and stay out late!

I have plans, but I can’t quite reveal them yet…so let’s look at some of our past parties.

In 2018, I had a garden party! It was fun and casual.

I had a Japanese tea party in 2019! My human kept the decor for soy sauce and saki. I think it was better used for catnip tea.

I didn’t let the pandemic spoil my party plans in 2020. Not only did I throw an 80s themed party, I even had a playlist (put together by an 80s expert, i.e., my human) to go with it!

The next year, I had a gambling party! That was loads of fun. I still have my hat and tiny blackjack table.

Last year, I had a fun disco party! With a soundtrack that got everyone dancing!

As always, I’ll have a fun giveaway, along with the party to celebrate cat world domination. And this year, I’m going to try to go live on TikTok, Instagram and Facebook! So that way, nearly all my social media followers get a chance to hang out with me in real time.

So make sure you mark your calendars!

Did you have a favorite Cat World Domination Day party? If so, let me know in the comments.

Other posts you’ll enjoy:

Cat World Domination Day, 1980s Edition
Caturday Flashback – Past Cat World Domination Days
BlogPaws and a Cat World Domination Day Giveaway!

The post Announcing Cat World Domination Day 2023! appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ It’s time to announce this year’s Cat World Domination Day! I can’t reveal what this year’s party is going to be, so let’s look at some past parties.
The post Announcing Cat World Domination Day 2023! appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life 

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