Funny Sunday Bloopers

It’s time once again for my weekly outtakes! And I have some really funny ones for you this time.

I wait until after my therapy cat visits to get out all my sass.

I think I lost something!

I’m not sure, but I think my human is trying to get me to whap the toy where she’s pointing. As if!

There’s a reason this teaser didn’t appear my blog post about cat toys.

This is the face of a chicken addict!

That’s the end of this week’s outtakes! I hope you enjoyed them. If you have a favorite, let me know in the comments.

Other posts you’ll enjoy:

Random Silly Outtakes
Silly Sunday Bloopers
Sunglasses Bloopers

The post Funny Sunday Bloopers appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ It’s time for this week’s bloopers! And I have some very funny ones for you.
The post Funny Sunday Bloopers appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life 

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