Spring was so late getting here this year! But we are finally having beautiful, sunny weather. So my human took me out front for some portraits.
The great thing about the front yard is that you get totally different looks depending on where you are facing. In the first photo, the sun was behind me. The photo above was taken in a shady area. Lots of times photographers focus on the light source when they are shooting outside. My human sometimes takes a different approach and looks for spots with the nicest shadows.
My human moved just a little bit to one side for this portrait, which keeps flatter light on my face.
I usually want to spend some time on the steps around the side of the house. Even there, just changing the angle changes things a lot!
See what I mean?
I hope you liked my spring portraits! Is there one you like best? Let me know in the comments.
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Turret Stair Portraits
Fall Portraits
My Best Portraits of 2021
The post Spring Portraits appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.
We had such a nice, sunny weekend! So I was really happy to get outside and pose for some photos.
The post Spring Portraits appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More
Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life