It’s a Jungle Out There!

Because it’s either been rainy or too cold, or both, I haven’t been out in the backyard for a long time. And was I in for a surprise!

It’s a jungle out there! We have a huge backyard and it is totally covered in weeds.

Apparently my human already knew about this, because she has scheduled the brush clearance guys to come out and deal with it on Monday. It’s so much worse than last year that they are charging her double. And she can’t even complain because it is clearly double the work.

I mean, look! There is a mountain of weeds behind me! Usually around this time of year, this part of the yard is really green and pretty and fresh. This year it is scraggly and messy and ugly.

It’s not totally weeds. There are some pretty parts, but I’m glad the weeds are being removed before they start choking all the nice plants.

This wasn’t the only nice spot for me to pose. Maybe I’ll show you the other one in a few days

Other posts you’ll enjoy:

Caturday Surprise!
My Backyard Photo Shoot
Like a Park in My Backyard

The post It’s a Jungle Out There! appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ I haven’t been out back since all the rains…and it’s a jungle out there!
The post It’s a Jungle Out There! appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

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