Pet Shop Superstar

I always love getting low on my food because that means a trip to the pet store! And I got to visit the one nearest to us, where I am practically a superstar!

A couple of the staff members know me by name, and they were so happy to see me!

And I am always up for having my photo taken.

Of course once I was done visiting, I headed for my favorite spot — the cat toy section.

There’s always something new to see and smell there.

I do visit other parts of the store too. You never know what came in since last time.

All too soon, it was time to leave. My human let me check out a pig’s ear so I didn’t get too bored while she was paying.

Other posts you’ll enjoy:

My Happy Pet Shop Visit
Good Time at the Pet Shop
My Awesome Shopping Day

The post Pet Shop Superstar appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ Nearly everybody knows me at my local pet shop, and I’m always so happy to be there!
The post Pet Shop Superstar appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

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