My Fun Shopping Day

I was so glad I was able to have a shopping day! It’s been cold and rainy for weeks, and my outside time has been really limited. So when my human saw we were running out of my food, she took me to one of our local pet stores. She usually does anyway.

The moment we got inside and my human saw the coast was clear (in other words, no dogs), she let me out of my sling carrier to explore!

I was ready!

My first stop was the cat toys! More specifically the hanging toys that had catnip in them.

We also stopped in the treat aisle. My human needed to get a specific type of treat that she uses for therapy cat visits because they aren’t as messy as freeze dried chicken. But of course I had to browse.

Then I scored! I found the Yeowww! catnip display! The best smelling part of the pet shop. But by then, my human needed to get my food out of the freezer and check out.

These shopping trips never last long enough.

Other posts you’ll enjoy:

My Happy Pet Shop Visit
Good Time at the Pet Shop
Pet Shop Browsing

The post My Fun Shopping Day appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ I love my shopping days! So I was glad my human took me out, even though it was a little rainy.
The post My Fun Shopping Day appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

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