I got to go to one of my favorite local pet shops! When I saw my human gathering my leash and carrier, I got so excited!
The moment we walked in the door my human let me down to explore.
The inventory is usually pretty much the same, but there are always some new smells to check out.
I still always check to see if anything new has come in.
And of course, a stop at the cat toy section is always a requirement!
And here is where it got fun. I really, really, really wanted one of those catnip carrots. But how to convince my human to get me one? I kept pulling them out of their display by the green tops, of course!
And I got my wish! I just needed to drop that little hint. A few times.
Other posts you’ll enjoy:
My Happy Pet Shop Visit
My Awesome Pet Shop Visit
The Shopping Day Where I Got What I Wanted
The post How I Got My Wish at the Pet Shop appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.
I had such a fun visit at the pet shop. And I got something that I wished for!
The post How I Got My Wish at the Pet Shop appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More
Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life