Amazon Princess Cat Fail, Redux (Video)

Do you remember that wacky princess thing my human found on Amazon and couldn’t resist getting for me? In case you don’t, you can see it on me here. Well, it turns out she put it on me backwards! So we’re having a redo today.

I don’t know… do you think it looks any better?

Maybe striking a pose will improve it. Or not! In any case, we shot a short video of me wearing it, and you can see it below! Maybe it looks better in action. See for yourself.

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The post Amazon Princess Cat Fail, Redux (Video) appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ Remember that wacky princess cat outfit my human found on Amazon a few months ago? It turns out she put it on me wrong! So we redid the video to see if it looked any better.
The post Amazon Princess Cat Fail, Redux (Video) appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

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