New Year, New Photo Flubs

New year, new outtakes! And I have some good ones for you.

I definitely don’t look “Ready to Party” in this photo!

My human snapped the photo just when I blinked.

And here, my human got that weird effect on her iPhone again! I’m beginning to think she is doing it on purpose.

After my therapy cat visit at the big hospital, my human noticed this huge Christmas tree was still up, and saw it as a photo opportunity. What she didn’t see was that my necktie was totally crooked! Maybe that’s why I looked so dour.

So there you have this week’s photo flubs! If you have a favorite, let me know in the comments.

Other posts you’ll enjoy:

Leftover Holiday Outtakes
New Year Outtakes
First Outtakes for the New Year

The post New Year, New Photo Flubs appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ I have some real doozies in my first outtakes of the new year!
The post New Year, New Photo Flubs appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

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