Kittens Arrived at Shelter, Their Worries Quickly Went Away When Two House Cats Showed Up

Five kittens were brought to a shelter. Their worries quickly went away in a foster home, especially when two house cats showed up.

kittens ginger tortie

Last month, five kittens arrived at the Humane Society for Hamilton County, hoping for a chance at a better life. Scared and unsure, they huddled together for comfort.

Jennifer, a foster volunteer, opened her home to the kittens, giving them a fresh start in a cozy environment. “They were under-socialized and hissy when they arrived,” Jennifer told Love Meow.

On the first night, the kittens snuggled into a cubby bed. Though hesitant, they seemed curious about their caretaker, who always arrived with food.

shy kittens cubby bed

Slowly but surely, the kittens began to venture out. Sassafras, the fluffy tortie, was the first to bravely explore beyond the cubby. She was the least hissy, exuding confidence from the start.

“The (orange) boys (Hickory and Rowan) came around very quickly. Linden (tortie) and Willow (torbie) took a little more time to warm up.”

kittens fluffy five

With the braver kittens leading the way, the shyer ones mustered the courage and stepped out of hiding to inspect their new space.

They were thrilled to have meals throughout the day. Some of them, Sassafras in particular, growled out of instinct while eating, declaring the food was theirs.

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They have found their voices and use them at mealtimeJennifer

Soon, they realized they no longer had to compete for food. As Jennifer entered the room with their second breakfast, the kittens burst into an endearing chorus, meowing in harmony until their food was served.

“They’ve found their voices and now use them to yell at me for going to work while they were ‘left starving’ all day long.”

fluffy tortie kittens

Sassafras clambered atop a tower of tracks toy, the highest perch she could find, and roared at the top of her lungs. After filling her belly, she dozed off sitting up while her siblings snoozed lying down.

Meanwhile, Jennifer’s resident cats, Bodie and Bear, heard the ruckus from the foster room and couldn’t wait to meet the newcomers.

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Bodie and HickoryJennifer

Hickory became the most affectionate of the bunch, greeting Jennifer whenever she walked into the room. He would nuzzle her until the petting began, then dissolve into a puddle of purrs.

When the kittens were well enough to meet the resident cats, Hickory was the first to approach Bodie, brushing up against his fluffy coat.

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Bodie and SassafrasJennifer

Sassafras and Linden also took to the house cats, following them around, intrigued by their presence. “I can’t believe how brave Linden has become. Rowan and Willow are still on the fence, but I’m sure they’ll love them in no time.”

“The kittens love to run, climb, chase each other, and play with toys.”

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Bear came to hang out with the kittensJennifer

Whenever Bear and Bodie appear, the kittens trail behind them, fascinated by their every move. They are starting to play with the cats, even taking playful swipes at their tails.

Hickory constantly tries to grab their attention, hoping for a grooming session from the cats. His siblings tag along, keen to watch and imitate everything the feline residents do.

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Sassafras and Bodie, the two adorable floofsJennifer

The five are loving the indoor life with good food, cozy beds, and a trove of toys to keep them entertained.

Sassafras continues to be the ringleader, always stirring up antics in the room. The once shy kittens have transformed into playful bundles of energy and affectionate love bugs.

ginger tortie kittens

With Bodie and Bear’s help, the kittens have grown immensely in confidence. They are living each day to the fullest, excited for the adventures that lie ahead.

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From top to bottom: Hickory, Rowan, Willow, Sassafras, and LindenJennifer

Share this story with your friends. More on the five kittens and Jennifer’s fosters on Instagram.

Related story: Kitten Meows All Day After Being Found in the Road, Crew of Cats Take Him in, Making Him Feel Like He Belongs

Read More  Love Meow