Funny Face Outtakes

It’s time for this week’s silly photos, and I making some, um, interesting faces in most of them!

Yeah, not the normal type of getting-brushed face you’d expect to see.

Here I am, thinking about my life choices after realizing how hard I work for my treats, when all the peach kitty has to do is show up.

This outtake needed to stay on the camera, not published on my blog. But oh well.

And we’re at the end of this week’s outtakes! In spite of my face here, I am actually pretty glad about that!

If you have a favorite in this bunch, let me know in the comments.

The post Funny Face Outtakes appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ [[{“value”:”My human captured my facial expressions at their funniest in this week’s outtakes!
The post Funny Face Outtakes appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.”}]] Read More 

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