Holiday Shopping at the Pet Store

I had a fun shopping day at a favorite local pet store.

I couldn’t wait to start browsing.

But actually I was also on a mission. And I knew exactly where to go.

The cat toy section! I was shopping for my annual holiday giveaway.

I wanted to put together some nice gifts. I thought the Barnyarn Santa was too small to include.

I think I found some awesome things that most kitties will love!

I’ll start the giveaway very soon! Stay tuned.

Here are some of my other holiday shopping trips:

Holiday Fun at the Big Pet Store
Buying Christmas Presents for Binga and Boodie
It’s Already Christmas at the Pet Store

The post Holiday Shopping at the Pet Store appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ I had a special shopping day for my annual holiday giveaway!
The post Holiday Shopping at the Pet Store appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

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