It is raining here this week, but I was out of food and also — horrors! — freeze dried chicken treats! Plus I hadn’t been to the pet shop in a few weeks. So we had to go. My human promised me I wouldn’t get wet.
I love walking around the store, but I got stopped pretty fast by a bunch of people who wanted to pet me and take photos!
Which, honestly, I like even better than walking around the store.
I still managed to get in some browsing. I spent a lot of time checking out anything that smelled like catnip. Hey, the smells are free!
And of course we had to stop by the cat treat section to get the freeze dried chicken.
I also spent a little time checking out a cat tree.
All too soon it was time to check out! It was a fun trip.
Here are other pet shop visits where I was popular:
Cat Celebrity Goes Shopping
Pet Shop Superstar
Popular Cat at the Pet Shop
The post Rainy Day Pet Shop Trip appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.
It was raining, but my human and I still needed to do a pet shop run — and I’m so glad we did!
The post Rainy Day Pet Shop Trip appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More
Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life