Assembling Target’s Haunted Clock House – Cat Help Required!

Although I do love my little Target Witch House and sleep in it sometimes, my human thought it was still a little too small for me. So she got me me this bigger haunted Clock House. I couldn’t wait to start helping assemble it.

It took all my expertise to make sure my human didn’t mess up parts of it.

Fortunately, it wasn’t too complicated. Although I felt some of the elements could have been better thought out. I mean, where are the kitties in the design?

Anyhow, here it is! I think I did a pretty good job. And you can see the whole process in the video below.

Some other times my cat supervision skills were required:

I Helped Assemble the Katris Nest Scratcher Lounge Bed!
Assembling My Wardrobe Rack (Video!)
Building My Pirate Ship, on Video!

The post Assembling Target’s Haunted Clock House – Cat Help Required! appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ My human got me a slightly larger scratcher house from Target, and she managed to put it together only because I was there to help!
The post Assembling Target’s Haunted Clock House – Cat Help Required! appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

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