Caturday Cast Iron Portraits

One section of the turret that isn’t used very often is the part farthest from the windows, by the cast iron railing. It’s actually a really decorative spot, although most of the times I’ve been photographed there is while I’m playing. But this day, my human decided to use it for some portraits. Here’s what we came up with. You won’t find secret comments in the photos below, since I think they speak for themselves.




Do you have a favorite? Let me know in the comments

You can see some of my other portrait sessions here:

Late Afternoon Living Room Portraits
Heart Portraits
Dining Table Portraits

The post Caturday Cast Iron Portraits appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ Usually I’m playing in this location, but today I’m posing for some portraits.
The post Caturday Cast Iron Portraits appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life 

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