Outside Glamor Shots

If you saw my tongue-out photos the other day, maybe you are wondering how the rest of the photo session on the steps went. Here is your answer!

These steps are one of my favorite places to pose for photos, and I think it shows.

A lot of times the steps get patches of light filtering through the leaves of the bushes, and my human tries to take advantage of that.

Sometimes the patches of light create too much contrast on my face…but other times, like this one, everything comes out just right.

Here’s one with more even light. The great thing about this area is we can take advantage of the way the light comes in, or not.

After that, my human took me out on the grass for more photos. She liked the way I was backlit. The only problem was it was right before dinnertime, and I was getting hungry and impatient! So only a couple of those photos were usable. Most of them are of me making airplane ears.

Here are some more portrait sessions I’ve done:

Turret Stair Portraits
Last Minute Dramatic and Fun Portraits
Dining Table Portraits…and Fun!

The post Outside Glamor Shots appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ Here are some of the real photos from my outside session the other day!
The post Outside Glamor Shots appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

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