I Helped Assemble the Katris Nest Scratcher Lounge Bed!

A while back…like a few years back, we got this Katris Nest scratcher lounge bed to review. But when my human opened the box and discovered it had 106 pieces and needed to be assembled, she put it away. She figured she’d get back to it when she was feeling more ambitious. Clearly that took awhile!

Here are all the pieces that we needed to put it together. I can kind of see why my human hesitated about getting started!

Fortunately, it didn’t take as long, and it wasn’t as annoying, as my human thought it would be.

Here’s the finished scratcher lounge! If you want to see it on Amazon, it’s here: https://amzn.to/3DcsYpt. (We are affiliates and get a small commission if you shop through our links. Thank you for your support!) And yes, there is an already-assembled version.

You can see me and my human putting together in the short video below.


So what do you think? Would you want to put together something with 106 pieces? Let me know in the comments.

To see me supervising other assembly projects:

Assembling My Wardrobe Rack (Video!)
Helping My Human Build a Kitchen Cart
Putting Together a Spice Rack, on Video, With Cat Supervision

The post I Helped Assemble the Katris Nest Scratcher Lounge Bed! appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ It took my human a few years, but she finally put together the Katris Nest that’s been sitting around here for a few years! Good thing I was there to help.
The post I Helped Assemble the Katris Nest Scratcher Lounge Bed! appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

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