Trying to Look Feral

I had a tough modeling assignment this week! I have a blog post going up soon, and I need a photo to accompany it in which I look feral. That is something I’m afraid I’m not very good at.

To help me out, my human pulled out a couple of cat toys. She thought they might bring out my wild side.

The only problem was getting me to look feral without the toy in the way.

Also, looking feral and looking at the camera at the same time is a challenge.

It’s kind of hard to look feral when a butterfly cat toy lands on your nose.

So was I ever successful? You’ll know whenever the post goes up!

Other posts you’ll enjoy:

Trying to Look Mean (Fail)
My Favorite Toy
Fierce Hunter Kitty! You Don’t Believe Me?

The post Trying to Look Feral appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ This has to be my toughest assignment yet! (I think I failed.)
The post Trying to Look Feral appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

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