Adventures in Catnip Gardening

It’s finally time to start my catnip garden again! If you recall, last year, after bugs destroyed all my plants, my human tried planting new ones…but some nasty critter kept digging them up!

My human’s boyfriend gave her some chicken wire to protect the new plants, so we are going to try that this time.

While she was at the garden center getting the catnip plants, my human also bought some ladybugs to release into our yard.

They immediately left as soon as my human set them free. We have yet to see any of these guys stick around after the first day.

But! My human did solve the mystery of the catnip killer. After she brought me back inside, this is what she found:

It’s the peach kitty! He was all over the plants the moment we left them.

The moment he knew he was caught, he started to run off.

But he came right back. And I thought I was a niphead!

Last my human looked, the stems of both plants were completely gone. But least the roots are still there, because of the chicken wire. So I don’t know if I am going to get a catnip garden this year or not.

Other posts you’ll enjoy:

Catnip Garden Disaster!
I Supervise Releasing the Ladybugs
Planting My New Catnip

The post Adventures in Catnip Gardening appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ We are working on my catnip garden again, after taking a year off! And I think I finally know what happened to last year’s plants.
The post Adventures in Catnip Gardening appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

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