My Birthday Video and Post-Birthday Announcement!

I had so much fun for my birthday. I went live on both TikTok and Instagram, and spent an hour between the two getting treats and showing off. I think it’s time to take off the birthday hat because I have an announcement to make!

I’m starting a Patreon! My human is still working out the details of the page and editing photos and graphics. Plus we need to film a welcome video. But it’s almost there and it should be up starting next Tuesday, March 28. The levels are all really reasonable, and they feature things like unpublished photos, behind the scenes videos and the opportunity for patrons to ask my human questions about me and therapy cat work. I think it’ll be a really cool place for people who want more access to me than just 30 second videos and who don’t frequent the blog.

You can get on the waitlist and be one of the first to find out when it goes live here:

If you want to see a fun, short video of my birthday, check it out below.

Other posts you’ll enjoy:

My 8th Birthday, and Caturday Birthday Flashbacks
Happy Birthday to Me!
Boxes and Birthday Outtakes

The post My Birthday Video and Post-Birthday Announcement! appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ What a fun birthday I had! There’s video, and an announcement.
The post My Birthday Video and Post-Birthday Announcement! appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life 

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