Last Minute Dramatic and Fun Portraits

The internet here has been going wonky, and finally my human had to call our internet service provider to send over a technician. So while he was replacing the router and tweaking a couple of wires around the house, my human had me do a photo session to keep me occupied. She doesn’t mind if I supervise workers here but he was going in and out of the house too much for her to keep track, and she didn’t want me following him! I didn’t mind the distraction since I got treats. And the photos came out really nice.

There was a whole series of dramatic and fun portraits by the living room window and you can see them below. No secret messages, since you already know the story behind them!

I hope you enjoyed these! If you have a favorite, let me know in the comments.

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Cold Weather Portraits
Random Cool Photos
Glam Photos in the Master Bathroom

The post Last Minute Dramatic and Fun Portraits appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ When my human doesn’t want me bothering workers, she pulls out her camera and some treats… and sometimes magic happens.
The post Last Minute Dramatic and Fun Portraits appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

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