Belated Funny Photos

Even though I had some pretty funny hat photos on Sunday, I really wanted to share this week’s funny photos too! They were too good (bad?) not to post. So here you go.

Another reason I didn’t want to wait is because the holidays are already pretty far back in everyone’s rear view mirrors, and I wanted to use this photo sooner than later.

If my human wants me to sit up, she needs to have her camera ready!

At least she got my face in the shot, even if I do look a little vexed and disheveled.

And… it’s high five fail number 78332.

That’s the end of the outtakes! After this, I’ll return to my normal schedule.

Other posts you’ll enjoy:

Funny Sunday Outtakes
Silly Sunday Photo Flubs
Random Silly Outtakes

The post Belated Funny Photos appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life.

​ Even though I had some good hat outtakes on Sunday, this week’s photo flubs were too good not to share!
The post Belated Funny Photos appeared first on Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life. Read More 

Summer’s Fabulous Cat Life 

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